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API documentation

Tachogram API is being constantly updated by listening to our customers and integration partners. If some of the data you are looking for is not available via API, we would like to hear from you.


User authorization request.

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/user/authorize

Performs user authorization by given email && password. When success returns authorized api key.

User logout.

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/user/logout

Unregister current user authenticated api key.

DDD upload

Upload a DDD file

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/upload

Upload a DDD file for processing.

Get file upload status

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/upload/status

Get uploaded DDD file data processing status.

DDD download

List DDD files for a driver

get https://tachogram.com/api/v1/files/driver/list

List all files of a driver.

Download a file

get https://tachogram.com/api/v1/files/driver/download

Download DDD file.


Store driver user

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/business/driver-users

Business companies can create a user for driver providing email, password and driver card number.

Delete driver user

DELETE https://tachogram.com/api/v1/business/driver-users

Business company can delete a created driver user profile by providing card number. Driver data remains only the user is deleted.

Driver data

List drivers

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/list

List drivers for the given company.

Driver card insertion and withdrawal events.

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/cardstatus

See Response tab for detailed information about the response data.

Working times

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/workingtimes

Returns working time data for requested dates.

Working times grouped by vehicles

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/workingtimes-vehicle

Returns working time data for requested dates, grouped by vehicles.

Working times archive

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/workingtimes-bulk

Sends an email attachment containing working times for requested drivers.

Working times archive processing status

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/workingtimes-bulk/status

Status of processing request.

Driver card

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id}/card

Driver card current information: name, surname, expiry date, card number.

All driver cards

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id}/all-cards

All driver cards: card number, issue date, expiry date.

Driver violations

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id}/violations

Driver violations: timestamp, description and severity.

Driver overspeeding events

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id}/overspeeding

Driver overspeeding events: timestamp, duration, speed and vehicle.

Driver shifts

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id_or_driver_card_number}/shifts

Driver shifts data with remaining reduced rests, extended driving times and remaining driving time according to daily driving limits and weekly/bi-weekly driving limits.

Driver shift countries

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id_or_driver_card_number}/shift-countries

Driver shift start/end countries data.

Driver fixed weeks data

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id}/weeks

Driver fixed weeks data with remaining extended driving times, remaining driving time this week, whether it has full week data.

Driver 6x24 hour working periods data

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id}/workingperiods

Driver 6x24 hour working periods efficiency data. Can be used to determine whether driver could drive additional time before he took the next weekly rest of 24 or 45 hours.

Driver files list

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{id}/files/list

Paginated driver files.

Driver file download

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{id}/files/{hash}/download

Download driver file.

Create Driver Account

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id}/create-account

Business type users may call this endpoint in order to create explicit login for company driver.

Find drivers by vehicle used

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/find-drivers-by-vehicle

Search drivers which have used a specific vehicle. Vehicle registration number plates are normalized and cleaned from whitespace and dashes. So make sure to search by number plates without spaces and dashes.

Driver activities

get https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/activities

Driver activities.

Driver country intervals

get https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{id}/driver-countries-intervals

List of driver country intervals.

Working times per country by date

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/working-times-per-country/by-date

Returns working time per country for requested dates.

Working times per country by country

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/working-times-per-country/by-country

Returns working time per country for requested dates.

Driver used vehicles

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id_or_driver_card_number}/vehicles-used

Returns used vehicles for specific time period.

Driver kilometers driven

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/kilometers-driven

Returns kilometers driven in a specific time period.

Vehicle data

Vehicles list

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/vehicles/list

Returns a list of vehicles owned by company.

Working times from Vehicle DDD file data

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/vehicles/workingtimes

Returns working time data for requested dates for a specific vehicle and group by drivers/slots.

Get activities from vehicle

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/vehicles/activities

Returns activities from vehicles.

Vehicle files list

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/vehicles/{id}/files/list

Paginated vehicle files.

Vehicle file download

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/vehicles/{id}/files/{hash}/download

Download vehicle file.


List groups

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/groups
List all groups or those that match specific type

Create group

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/groups
Create a new group

Edit group

PATCH https://tachogram.com/api/v1/groups/{group_id}
Edit group name or description

Delete group

DELETE https://tachogram.com/api/v1/groups/{group_id}
Delete group

List group items

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/groups/{group_id}/items
List all group items

Add item to group

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/groups/{group_id}/attach
Add item to group. One of `id`, `card_number` or `vin` must be specified

Remove item from group

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/groups/{group_id}/detach
Remove item from group. One of `id`, `card_number` or `vin` must be specified

Driver groups

List driver groups

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id_or_card_number}/groups
List all groups for driver

Remove driver groups

DELETE https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id_or_card_number}/groups
Remove all groups for driver

Add group to driver

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id_or_card_number}/groups
Adds group to driver

Remove group from driver

DELETE https://tachogram.com/api/v1/drivers/{driver_id_or_card_number}/groups/{group_id}
Removes group from driver

Vehicle groups

List vehicle groups

GET https://tachogram.com/api/v1/vehicles/{vehicle_id_or_vin}/groups
List all groups for vehicle

Remove vehicle groups

DELETE https://tachogram.com/api/v1/vehicles/{vehicle_id_or_vin}/groups
Remove all groups for vehicle

Add group to vehicle

POST https://tachogram.com/api/v1/vehicles/{vehicle_id_or_vin}/groups
Adds group to vehicle

Remove group from vehicle

DELETE https://tachogram.com/api/v1/vehicles/{vehicle_id_or_vin}/groups/{group_id}
Removes group from vehicle